First season, 5 episodes, 2015

Destinations: Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France

Wastecooking goes on tour through Europe. We have found dedicated fellow activists in the Viennese production company Mischief Films.
David Groß, chef, filmmaker and activist, travels through five European countries eating only what other people call waste. Supporting him are wastecooking activists Daniel Samer and Martin Hasenöhrl.

Also accompanying him is his wastemobile, which only runs on used vegetable oil.
Here is a small taste of what’s in store.


Das Wastemobil vor dem Eiffelturm, Paris.

Scroll-Doku anschauen!

Scroll Documentation:

“Haute Cuisine from the Dumpster”
Salzburger Nachrichten

“Road Trip Powered by Vegetable Oil”
Kleine Zeitung

Here’s the official press release to read up on.
Lots of in-depth information on all five episodes of the television series.

Download press release (PDF)


Wastecooking stove as work of art:

Who actually created that cool wastecooking stove accompanying David on his European journey?
His name is Andreas Strauss. The artist invented the model “soupermobil 3rd edition” and in close collaboration with us adapted it for our waste cooking adventure. This stove rocks!

Self-experiment: Can man live on waste alone?

According to the world food organization FAO one third of all the food produced around the world lands in the garbage. That’s so easy to say, but the issue really gets under my skin. My waste cooking tour is also a self-experiment. I hope to prove that it is possible to live on only what our consumer-driven society leaves by the wayside. Can I do it?
David Groß

The full-length feature film of the Wastecooking European tour was first broadcast on ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) in June 2015. The culinary road trip movie received 2015’s second-highest TV ratings in the documentary broadcasting slot.