We go diving in garbage dumpsters looking for gems to eat for dinner. We make the kitchen boy break out in a sweat and christen the entire thing our “Trash Cooking Show”. We are the hair in the soup of our consumer-driven society. The embodiment of protest against food waste!

wastecooking is health food with a dash of hot sauce, because activism is supposed to be fun too – as long as the portion sizes are right. We take trash and transform it into delicious menus, go hopping into garbage containers camera in hand and fry up waste in a pan. We take aim at our consumer-driven society and turn the concept of competitive thinking on its head.

Food is culture, and more than just a means to an end. We are trying to give our bodies what our minds need in order to look beyond our own noses.

We spit in the greasy soup of those who let food go to waste unnecessarily.
