„Cooking is a political act.
But we can’t all be Che Guevara. Some of us have to peel the potatoes!“
Wam Kat, cooking activist

Hard Facts

The food that we throw away in Europe alone would be enough to feed all of the world’s hungry twice over.
In Europe 90 million tons of edible food ends up in the garbage every year.
In Austria we throw away around 160.000 tons of food. That would be sufficient to feed a city the size of Salzburg.


“My first dumpster diving experience was the catalyst. Tons of fresh food in the garbage – that’s a sight I will never forget. Bananas, bread, yogurt, tomatoes: unbelievable!

Wastecooking won’t give up the fight for as long as fresh food continues to go to waste. The way not just to our hearts, but also toward shaping an awareness that is critical of our consumer driven society, goes through our stomachs.”
David Groß, wastecooking founder

Did you know that …

  • In Europe three million tons of bread is thrown out every year, enough to feed all of Spain.
  • ein Viertel des weltweiten Wasserverbrauchs für Nahrungsmittel verwendet wird, die später in den Müll wandern.
  • One quarter of the world’s water consumption is used to grow food that ends up in the trash.
  • 1.3 billion tons of food is produced unnecessarily every year. This is roughly equal to all of the food grown in sub-Saharan Africa.

(Source: Die Essensvernichter, Stefan Kreutzberger und Valentin Thurn)