National Leftovers Day:
12. Mai 2015

Wastecooking’s delicious protest of food waste. Without the moralistic finger-wagging, and always with a pinch of humor.

The protest was amazing! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who was there!
Photos from the protest


One third of all the food produced worldwide goes to waste.

In Austria, that comes to 157,000 tons of edible food that lands in the garbage every year. Wastecooking says: Put an end to food waste!

Leftovers in the pot, waste we want not!
Following in the footsteps of our brothers and sisters throughout the globe, we are proclaiming the first Austrian “Leftovers Day”! WWe will be celebrating this national day of wastecooking for the first time with a cook-in to protest consumerism: Wastecooking chefs of the world, unite!

Our three fundamental principles:

  • Halting the overproduction of food
  • Combating out-of-control consumerism
  • Intelligently redistributing and cooking leftovers creatively

Allowing and decriminalizing container, dumpster and waste diving and prohibiting supermarkets from throwing away food!

Our objective in Austria:

The mandatory donation of unsellable food to civil society organizations!

In Belgium this legislative initiative has already been copied many times over. Throughout Wallonia, supermarkets are prohibited from throwing away edible food. Still-fresh food past its sell-by date must be donated to charity organizations. Supermarkets failing to comply face penalties, including the possible closing of their store.

Food is culture. Don’t waste it, cook it!